January 18, 2012

  • A Day at Steamtown- Part1

    On Monday we celebrated the holiday by driving to Steamtown National Park.  It was one of their  *free* days for admittance.  We wondered if it would be packed due to the fact most kids were not in school and the admission was free.  Sadly,  there were only a handful of families there.   Although we enjoyed having the museum all to ourselves,  it is sad that a wonderful park like this was not being utilized. 


    Joshua's joy and excitement in the car was incredible on the way over.  He has always wanted to see a *Big Boy* Steam engine in person.  As soon as we pulled into the parking lot,  there she sat.  This massive engine is as long as our house! 




    It was a bit chilly outside but most of the exhibits were inside in a heated space!



    Trying on various hats.




    Joshua was very interested and engaged in all of the exhibits.  This is his passion...trains!




    Who's excited about being at Steamtown?  MEEEEEEEE!!!



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